PHP 开发框架 CakePHP 3.6.5 发布,这是 3.6 版本分支的维护版本,修复了几个社区报告的问题。
- Improved deprecation warning text.
- Plugin::load() now uses concrete plugin classes if a plugin has adopted new style plugins.
- The mimetype for .bmp was added to Response.
- Plugin::routes() had a deprecation warning added. This method is no longer necessary when using an Application class.
- Missing deprecation warnings were added to Response.
- IntegrationTestCase once again accepts array URLs when generating requests.
- Email messages no correctly word-wrap multi-byte characters.
- Http\Client restores the error handler after a socket error.
- AppShell is now included in the list of auto-discovered shells.
- ConsoleIntegrationTestCase now catches StopException and sets the test case exitCode property accordingly.
- Cell::__debugInfo() no longer emits a notice error.
- Pagination metadata now includes the start & end record numbers.
- The Model.afterSaveCommit event always recieves an ArrayObject for $options now.